Senile is a clinical term for memory and cognitive impairment syndrome in the elderly. Senile was known as senile dementia, a medical condition used to describe all types of dementia. Now, the term senile is no longer used by doctors to name the condition of dementia. Senile is believed by some people as an inevitable effect of aging. In medical understanding, senile dementia is a symptom. Dementia itself is a syndrome or a collection of symptoms that refer to a decrease in brain function, such as a condition of decreased memory, speed of thinking, impaired behavior, mental, language, understanding, understanding, mood, movement, and the ability to perform daily activities. Conditions That Cause Senile Although commonly experienced by older people, senility and dementia are disorders, and are not a normal part of the aging process. Generally, senile dementia is caused by changes in function or damage to the brain and various other medical conditions. As for some medical condition...